I want to belief the word temperament has its place before the usage of hormone, almost all humans seek to court attention, to be on spotlight and to take lead either way or the other in everyday endeavors regardless of the temperament.
Temperament, a combination of mental , physical and emotional trait of a person; natural predisposition.
The unusual personal attitude or nature as manifested by peculiarities of feeling, temper, action etc often with a disinclination to submit to conventional rules or restrain. (dictionary.com)
Pointing towards the four temperament, a proto-phsychological theory that suggests that there are four fundamental personality types, Sanguine( optimistic and Social) , Choleric( short tempered or irritable) , Melancholic( analytical and quiet) and phlegmatic( relaxed and peaceful). Most formulations includes the possibility of mixtures of the types(Wikipedia)
For further reading, visit Wikipedia.org/wiki/four_temperament.
Considering the proto-phsychological theory on the four temperament, I think every human being wants to subdue oblivion, the act of forgetfulness or the state of being forgotten; cessation of remembrance; forgetfulness. Nobody wants to be forgotten, everyone wants to court attention.
She suddenly emerge with tears on her face, in a very pathetic state, then the following questions arise, what is wrong with you? Did anyone hurt you? Are you ok? Obviously though, seeing her like that you'll definitely know something is wrong but to exhibit a feeling of concern and care, those questions need pop up.
She then reply after a prolonged time, "I have been jilted" he did not even make a reason, no reason for his action, she responded. I can see she was very devastated, I tried using words to calm her but to no avail.
The next day, a friend of friend approached her and she immediately accepted the offer. I have experience this happening to young girls twice.
Then I begin to wonder, why would they accept proposal without thinking carefully? Why would they accept proposal for a relationship without trying to get to know the other party? Why do people jump into relationships without calculative mode of thinking base on available statistics? Is it as a result of influence? Jane is in a relationship so I've got to get one, is it as a result of libido satisfaction? Then I arrived at FEAR, a conclusion I made, young ladies accept proposal out of fear of being alone. No one wants to be alone, there's always a need for a partner I guess.
No one is treating me well, I need someone that would cherish me and accept me for who I am, the fear of being alone trigger lots of decision made without any rules for the game.
The mind set is actually a powerful domain, the fear of being alone cut across every facet of life and religion is not exempted. People want something to hold on to, you might not love your partner and still maintain the relationship probably because of high sex drive (sex satisfaction) this I term as physical fear of being alone, you come across more satisfying partner, you jilt the former.
Owing to that , I realize lots of people are afraid of being alone spiritually, no one wants to be neglected in any area of life, we all wants to feel among be it in a gathering, family, church, mosque, shrine.
Holding on to something, you subject yourself to any kinds of command without thinking out of fear of Oblivion and if possible, you might end up knowing that you've done lots of shitty things.
In a family, it is nice to always make your presence known, that I see as love.
In any religious circle, people always want to make their presence known and in the process, the unthinkable is done.
Among peers, you might want to make history by having the highest number of partner with a possibility of regretting this later in life, but it's always with the feeling, who cares, it's one life and once we pass through.
Why doing the absurd? Ritual for fame, wealth and Power, immortality in religion for fame or of I may say ritual to pull enormous crowd all in the name of fame with lots of hidden agenda when you can actually live a good life and leaving a good legacy behind and your story will tell among peers, children and grandchildren. Isn't that enough?
I understand the general mentality inscribe in being alone but in the course of building fortress, you have to be very conscious of steps you take.
Temperament, a combination of mental , physical and emotional trait of a person; natural predisposition.
The unusual personal attitude or nature as manifested by peculiarities of feeling, temper, action etc often with a disinclination to submit to conventional rules or restrain. (dictionary.com)
Pointing towards the four temperament, a proto-phsychological theory that suggests that there are four fundamental personality types, Sanguine( optimistic and Social) , Choleric( short tempered or irritable) , Melancholic( analytical and quiet) and phlegmatic( relaxed and peaceful). Most formulations includes the possibility of mixtures of the types(Wikipedia)
For further reading, visit Wikipedia.org/wiki/four_temperament.
Considering the proto-phsychological theory on the four temperament, I think every human being wants to subdue oblivion, the act of forgetfulness or the state of being forgotten; cessation of remembrance; forgetfulness. Nobody wants to be forgotten, everyone wants to court attention.
She suddenly emerge with tears on her face, in a very pathetic state, then the following questions arise, what is wrong with you? Did anyone hurt you? Are you ok? Obviously though, seeing her like that you'll definitely know something is wrong but to exhibit a feeling of concern and care, those questions need pop up.
She then reply after a prolonged time, "I have been jilted" he did not even make a reason, no reason for his action, she responded. I can see she was very devastated, I tried using words to calm her but to no avail.
The next day, a friend of friend approached her and she immediately accepted the offer. I have experience this happening to young girls twice.
Then I begin to wonder, why would they accept proposal without thinking carefully? Why would they accept proposal for a relationship without trying to get to know the other party? Why do people jump into relationships without calculative mode of thinking base on available statistics? Is it as a result of influence? Jane is in a relationship so I've got to get one, is it as a result of libido satisfaction? Then I arrived at FEAR, a conclusion I made, young ladies accept proposal out of fear of being alone. No one wants to be alone, there's always a need for a partner I guess.
No one is treating me well, I need someone that would cherish me and accept me for who I am, the fear of being alone trigger lots of decision made without any rules for the game.
The mind set is actually a powerful domain, the fear of being alone cut across every facet of life and religion is not exempted. People want something to hold on to, you might not love your partner and still maintain the relationship probably because of high sex drive (sex satisfaction) this I term as physical fear of being alone, you come across more satisfying partner, you jilt the former.
Owing to that , I realize lots of people are afraid of being alone spiritually, no one wants to be neglected in any area of life, we all wants to feel among be it in a gathering, family, church, mosque, shrine.
Holding on to something, you subject yourself to any kinds of command without thinking out of fear of Oblivion and if possible, you might end up knowing that you've done lots of shitty things.
In a family, it is nice to always make your presence known, that I see as love.
In any religious circle, people always want to make their presence known and in the process, the unthinkable is done.
Among peers, you might want to make history by having the highest number of partner with a possibility of regretting this later in life, but it's always with the feeling, who cares, it's one life and once we pass through.
Why doing the absurd? Ritual for fame, wealth and Power, immortality in religion for fame or of I may say ritual to pull enormous crowd all in the name of fame with lots of hidden agenda when you can actually live a good life and leaving a good legacy behind and your story will tell among peers, children and grandchildren. Isn't that enough?
I understand the general mentality inscribe in being alone but in the course of building fortress, you have to be very conscious of steps you take.
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