It can be very funny you know, for such a small in fact tiny creature to be bold, then i get to realise that when a harmless creature turns out to be bold it suddenly becomes a threat to those it appears bold. For such a tiny creature, the risk taken by it is so enormous to the detriment of its life when it come to stinging to sucking blood. Mosquito knows very well that it's an equal probability of life and death, still it approach it's victim and suck blood no matter how big it's victims are.
Then I get to come to a conclusion that appearing small with great agenda can actually be a medium to holding power.
Just like the mosquito, little attention is given to it when approaching but after the damage have been done, all eyes on the spot. Applying the relativity theory of appearing small wouldn't allow more attention to be directed on you but on the rise to power, all eyes on you.
I think it's about courage, boldness. For one to subdue all hinderances to attain any great position.
Courage which is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain,danger,uncertainty or intimidation is subdivided into two namely physical courage and moral courage (Wikipedia).
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