Liberation lies in the world we live in same as bondage. It actually get to take lots of time for some people to be liberated while some find it very easy to be within a short frame of time. Bondage which I believe is a phenomenon of being buried in others peoples thought or the exhibition of mediocre as far as am concern. We've all got a gift or talent in one thing or the other but the ability to reach it is the problem. The ability to reason on your own, giving your take of opinion anywhere a conversation pop up without feeling restrain, following or doing what's right I believe are all elements of liberation.
In all following your instinct or intuition matters a lot in being liberated because I believe it's a clairvoyant part of you that knows what's best for you.
So free yourself and let go of excessive obsession of the future! Free yourself because the perfect time might be now. FREEDOM! FREEDOM! FREEDOM!
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