The inevitable progression into the future with the passing of presents events into the past. A numerical or general indication of a length of progression (a long time) An experience, an ara, a person's youth or young adulthood as opposed to present day. How much of a day has passed? Sometimes I just wish I could go back in time and make lots of things right. Speaking of young adulthood, I think I still have ample of time on my hands to make most things right. My time in this world can be very short ( no one knows tomorrow)
even with a hundred years thus wanting to make the most opportunities of every minutes.
Anyway, no one can be immortal as contrary to the saying "for few to be immortal many has to die " but I think true immortality has to do with leaving a legacy behind. Now the question is what is the legacy? the future is yet unshaped literally. I still don't understands how each day goes by and the clock continues to tick.
even with a hundred years thus wanting to make the most opportunities of every minutes.
Anyway, no one can be immortal as contrary to the saying "for few to be immortal many has to die " but I think true immortality has to do with leaving a legacy behind. Now the question is what is the legacy? the future is yet unshaped literally. I still don't understands how each day goes by and the clock continues to tick.
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