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It can actually be quite inexplicable how this world come into being, science gives its own explanation believing that "our universe began with one enormous explosion of energy and light which is called the Big Bang, according to scientist, it was the singular start of everything that exists. The beginning of universe, the start of space and even the initial start of time" (
Religious believes is quite different from this as most religion believe the world is created by GOD. The world is real and we're in it, this I believe is indispensable.

According to some believes which I subscribe to, man is not only the inhabitants of earth, apart from lower animals known or if I may say other species, man lives on earth and the spirit lives on earth as well. The spirit which are sometimes refer  to as Jinns lives in this world but are not visible to human naked eye.

Cold war ! Can I refer to the war or battle which I called the battle of the favourite between the first man on earth Adam and iblis(Satan) as cold war? He took it up with every descendent of Adam, he'll never stop. Then I realized war is one of the oldest activities in the world. At the very beginning of life, the battle of combat is a thing of preference but with the popping up of civilizations, science took over, speaking of nuclear weapons, drones, arsenal and the likes.

The mind which is a set of cognitive faculties including consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement and memory. The mind is the faculty of human being's reasoning and thought. Wikipedia.
And battle, a combat of warfare. Am hereby classifying battle of the mind into two categories
*Within human control
*Beyond human control

Within human control: I want to belief your first enemy is your very self, you've got to know yourself, identify what you want and control the situation at hand. There are various attack on the mind which I believe can be subdue.
Environmental situation
Family background
Religious beliefs
Wrongs though and perception
Addiction and mental distress etc
I think it's all about identifying the situation and look for a way out, you aren't the first in such a situation and in the end you'll triumph.

Beyond human control: like I said the Jinns can be very powerful as they're not visible to human naked eye. With the use of witchcraft, wizardry, black magic humans can bring them under control and here in Africa, they're mostly use for evil. They can actually thinker with the human mind and induce their own thinking namely they can assume control of human body which is beyond human control.
It has actually been in existence for long as humans believes in the harness of dark powers thus making use of the spirit to control fellow human, can I assume this similar to hypnotism? No, this is more powerful than hypnotism, this control I refer to as Human Robot, then I come to a conclusion that this life is a war, a war with no physical combat, a deadly war.
I wanna believe there are ways to subdue this, I guess you stick to your creed, I've got mine.
There are lot of battle around us that can only be told by the body language, there you see the cold war. LIFE A DEADLY GAME.

Syria is experiencing all sort of war both the mind and physical battle. May God be with SYRIA.


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