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As the saying goes, He that cannot think is a fool, He that dare not think is a slave, and He that would not think is a bigot. Hearing the words of a seer and not seeing beyond is a sign of foolishness.
The combination of patterns I believe define the destiny of a man, and speaking about pattern, what do I mean pattern? How about longevity?

The term zodiac which may refer to the region of the celestial sphere encompassing the paths of the planets corresponding to the bond of about eight arc degrees above and below the elliptic. The zodiac of a given planet is the bond that contains the path of that particular body; e.g the zodiac of the Moon is the bond of five degrees above and below the elliptic and by extension the zodiac of the comets may refer to the band encompassing most short period comet. (Wikipedia).
The celestial sphere which is an imaginary sphere of arbitrarily large radius concentric with Earth. All objects in the observer's sky can be thought of as projected upon the inside surface of the celestial sphere as if it were under inside of the dome or a hemispherical screen. The celestial sphere is a practical tool for spherical astronomy, allowing observers to plot positions of objects in the sky when their distance are unknown or unimportant. (Wikipedia)

All these patterns! The zodiac also finds its use in HOROSCOPIC ASTROLOGY, which is a form of astrology that uses horoscope, a visual representation of the heavens for a specific moment in time in order to interpret the inherent meaning underlying the alignment of the planets at that moment. The idea is that the placement of the planets at any given moment in time reflect the nature of the moment and especially anything that is BORN then, and this can be analyzed using the chart and a bar of rules for interpreting the language or symbols therein.(Wikipedia).

Then I begin to think about genotype, the beginning of the puzzle. Hammering on the kind of genotype posses by a child as a function of longevity.
Wikipedia define genotype as the part (DNA sequence) of the genetic makeup of a cell and therefore of an organism or individual which determines the specific characteristic ( phenotype) of that cell/organism/individual.
Giving a close look about horoscopic astronomy, does it mean the position of nature at the birth of a child reflect the true nature of a child? So from that, I can categorically say that the life cycle of a child is determined by nature. Then you've got no one to blame for your fortune or misfortune but nature, the placing of nature at the time of your birth.
Can I now  carefully assume that the following is determined by nature?
Birth of a child
Choice of continent to be born into.
Black race
If genotype is a function of longevity, then I can say horoscope is a function of genotype, so horoscope as well determine the kind of genotype to be posses by a child, horoscope as well dictate the dominance of sickle cell in Africa, what a pain it is for sickle cell patient.

Owing to the fact that horoscope predict your death at certain age does not mean it's certain for sure, SS patient most likely to die at peak age 40.
People die everyday especially from unforseen circumstances and there's birth into this world everyday I believe so from that I can deduce that other genotype do die as well from age 0-40,the crisis experience by SS patient is actually a different but all to a common destination, DEATH.
She was actually a beautiful lady with genotype AA, aged 20 , and all of a sudden, she felt sick and within Couple of hours, she became a memory.
A pharmacist, a good woman blessed with beautiful children, what an inspiring woman she was but a sickle cell patient aged 41, what a loss. May their soul rest in perfect peace.
If the code of a law bend for no mam, the code is wrong they say, I don't believe 40 to be a death point for SS patient there are definitely exception as I have heard of stories about individuals that exceed the age limit, 76 to be precise.
Know yourself
Engaging not in stress
Stay malaria free
Maintain a profound blood count
Avoid low blood count
What an intelligent individual they can be, am not SS patient but am not different from them, so I know the feeling. So shout out to SS patient out there. You've got to bring out the very best in you, never allow your genotype as a deterant to doing great things in life, for this life is one and no spare of it. We are all naked and nothing to loose, we all share a common destination, DEATH, So stay FOCUS.


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