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Have you ever experience Dawn or if I may say, the raising of the Sun alone? How about doing that in twosome, preferably with your spouse, Imagine that if you've not experience such. How about twilight? Experiencing that very close to a pool or river, the setting of the Sun, other than being relaxed, you feel life! Actually, looking forward to that with a future wife.

The first man did not live alone, he had a better half and that was the beginning of humanity, that made me submit to the believe that everyone is endow with a better half, for a life to be born, a twosome is required and every animal engage in the practices of cohabiting. Am very familiar with pairing of birds, but not only birds, other male and female animal cohabitate just to ensure the continuity of breeds. That's straight forward right? I believe that doesn't go against any rational thinking and I believe that's TELEOLOGY.

Lower animals have their pattern of behavior, lets for example, the attributes of a monkey is different form that of a cheetah. Thus all lower animals maintain the same pattern of behavior base on their kinds and only on exceptional cases would there be a change of pattern, very exceptional.

I respect science and the power of innovation, in fact, I love science. Having copulation is a normal thing and that can be done in twosome. I respect chemistry match and I can actually go for that provided am seeking a match with opposite sex. Why wouldn't you feel anything for opposite sex? Then your biology is so wrong and so against law of nature, I sincerely believe. We're humans not animal, a higher animal if you like, but what makes us higher? Ability to distinguish right from wrong.

African mentality apart, chemistry match with the same sex, what !! That's Falsehood! Normal dealing apart. How do I mean normal? Interpersonal relation. Chemistry match with the same sex, that's a big Falsehood. And that's exactly what Nations of men are calling for now. And if this persist, I foresee a time when infants would be raised in a secluded world with the mentality of copulating with same sex. HEIGHT OF IMMORALITY. EACH GENERATION I BELIEVE WOULD BE DESCRIBE BY THE HAPPENING OF ITS TIME.


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