Reality and fantasy, a real world and imaginary world. It requires a lot of effort to actualize the bringing of imaginary world into the real world i.e. to planet earth. To do this, we'll be speaking of the creation of artificial intelligence, AI.
Artificial Intelligence brings about the fulfilment of promises of the imaginary world.
As for me, Ayoola Olanrewaju, I can never be lonely in the imaginary world, I mean by that, my best thinking are done on solitude. The truth is , you cannot live alone, you need friends.
Your first friends are your parents, these are the people you grow up with but as we become conscious of our environment we tends to have this feelings to reach out to it, not just the environment, the people around as well.
As a sayings goes, "we're born alone, we live alone and we'll die alone. Only in love and friendship can we realize that we're not alone"
Love and Friendship.
I made an extraction of love from Wikipedia, it goes thus
Love is a general expression of a positive sentiment (a stronger form of like) ranging from deepest interpersonal affection to the simplest pleasure.
Does love cut across the definition above? I think that's it, the above definition is all encompassing about love.
The most powerful force of all, LOVE as claimed by some people, it exist in different forms
Affection of a mother to a her child.
Memories among siblings.
Love between spouse and the likes.
The question is, is love the basis for friendship?
To me, I don't think so.
On a colossal number of times, I believe friendship is based on interest.
Yeah, you need to be conscious of the fact that friendship is based on interest.
For you to be successful in life, you definitely need what I call LIFE AUDIT.
Living a memorable life is of utmost prioity, a life free of regrets.
Speaking affirmatively, if there's anything you ought to do at a moment or at any point in time, and you choose not to, you'll definitely regret it for the rest of your life. You'll agree with me on that right?
Friendship I classify into two main types
Contact friends and
Non contact friends.
The advent of technology brings about pen-pal.
To these two types of friends, I tell you, life audit is applicable.
Contact friends are friends you deal and relate with on a daily or periodic basis while non contact friends are penpals and gatherings you attend on periodic bases. Gatherings such as cinemas, pep talk forum etc I may as well includes the kind of programs and movies you watch on TV and as well attention to activities on your regular en-route.
Interest is key ingredient of any friendship and that brings about what do I want from friendship?
LIFE AUDIT I define as evaluation of your time and the consciousness of the result from a particular friendship towards improving the quality of your life.
What's result? Lesson learn. Knowledge acquired. Influence on your behaviour and reasoning.
What do I look for in friendship?
- Call to order: A true friend should call you to order at your moment of weakness.
- Adversity : A true friend should stand by you during trying times (moral support is important )
- Interest : the need to be of like minds. Entrepreneurial minds, political minds and the likes.
- Relation: Tendencies of family relation, determinant of the kinds of friends you have. What kind of families do I want my offspring to mingle with.
- Maturity: This has nothing to do with age, provided his or her experience is enough to guide your path.
- Optimist : Relate with the optimist.
- Enthusiasts : Avoid the unhappy.
- Envy: Avoid the envious ones.
- Courage : Relate with the courageous. Important for morale boosting.
What am saying is, look out for affirmative qualities in friends.
Conviction and self-determination is key, to get to that, you still need a voice to guide your way.
To explore the successful part of life, you need to be in contact with friends or be with friends because you can't do it alone.
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